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CIAM® develops in partnership with Canalous Plaisance a propulsion system dedicated to waterway domain. More info...

GREEN HARBOUR - Zero emission cold ironing barge and multiservice ports

GreenHarbour is a zero-emission cold ironing barge supplying electric power to ships in harbour (at berth or at anchor), thanks to its shipboard supply of green hydrogen, coupled with a multi-MW FC (fuel cell) system. More info...

Integration hydrogen solution - CIAM®

HYLIAS - Hydrogen powered vessel

Hylias is the first vessel in France to be fitted with a hydrogen power propulsion system. It will sail between the fifty or so islands in the Gulf of Morbihan within the Nature Park, which are currently serviced by vessels powered by conventional fuel oil engines. More info...

Industrial solutions for the aero-structure industry

Discover all the Europe Technologies Group's solutions for the aerospace industry. Our SONATS, GEBE2 and SONIMAT brands provide manufacturing and engineering solutions for composite, thermoplastics and metal parts.

Industrial solutions for the aircraft engine industry

Discover all the Europe Technologies Group's solutions for the aerospace industry. Our SONATS, GEBE2 and SONIMAT brands provide manufacturing and engineering solutions for composite and metal parts.

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